PB2 – Good or Bad?


There is a great debate in the health and fitness world over powdered peanut butter. Is it good? Is it bad? I’ve been asked my opinion several times lately, and I’m happy to weigh in on the discussion.

First, let me give some background on this issue. Powdered peanut butter is a fairly new product on the market, and it is being touted as a healthier alternative to regular peanut butter. Almost all oils (aka fats) are squeezed out, and the remainder of the peanuts are crushed into a powder. My favorite brand, and the most widely known, is PB2 from Bell Plantation. It wouldn’t surprise me if you only know of this product as “PB2.”


PB2 tastes a lot like peanut butter and has only 45 calories per serving of 2 tablespoons. It can be mixed with water to create a dip, which is great with apples. I’m more likely to blend it into my daily breakfast shake. In addition to the peanut butter flavor, a serving of PB2 adds 5g of protein with 5g of carbs and only 1.5g of fat (with none of that saturated).

Powdered peanut butter can be a great part of a healthy lifestyle because it greatly reduces the number of calories and fat grams while still giving a peanut butter flavor. Reducing calories eaten is always a key part of weight and fat loss.

On the flip side of the argument, the fats found in peanut butter are actually good, healthy fats. Some celebrity trainers, including Autumn Calabrese of 21 Day Fix, have come out against the use of PB2 because it removes all those healthy fats. Everyone needs all three macronutrients in their diet – protein, carbs, AND fats – and it’s best to get the daily requirement of fats from healthier choices, such as avocados, lean meats, cheeses, nuts, and peanut butter.

To compare the nutrients, my current jar of natural peanut butter has 190 calories, 7g protein, 8g carbs, and 16g fats (3g saturated) per serving of 2 tablespoons. Most of the difference in calories come from the fats in peanut butter. It’s best to choose natural peanut butter to avoid unnecessary additives, such as extra sugar and salt or added saturated fats to increase shelf life.


Here’s my take on the whole debate … The better choice depends on how you’re using your peanut butter and what else you eat on a regular basis. Powdered peanut butter is the better choice to flavor your shakes and smoothies because you’re using it more as a flavoring than a source of nutrients. This leaves you the option of eating avocados or cheese as part of another meal each day. If, however, you’re using peanut butter as a snack or even part of a meal, a natural peanut butter is the better choice. You need those healthy fats from the peanuts to help you feel full, and you do not want all of your daily fats to come from meat.

There’s no clear cut answer to this debate. Ultimately, the choice to eat peanut butter or PB2 is up to you. My hope is this post gives you the information you need to decide how both can fit into your healthy lifestyle.


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